Sunday 21 September 2014


With any products, typography used as branding is hugely important to give consumers the right impression of that the company are trying to give them. I get the impression that higher end products (in this case perfume) take the font they use a lot more seriously than for instance Fanta does. 
The typography on this 'Loverdose Tattoo' perfume attracted me because of the use of different fonts that still work so well together. The 'Diesel' and 'Loverdose' have the same sort of look to give your mind an instant connection between the two. They are both capitalised with the 'Loverdose' being bolder and obviously larger in size. 
The background of the box has a flower shaded to look like a tattoo. To carry on with this design they have used a scripture style font for 'Tattoo', which I personally think they have done well to not make it look too over crowded. This font is distinguished as to make a brand for this branch of Loverdose. 
Personally, I normally like graphic design which is quite minimalistic and simplistic and it surprised me that I like the design of this. However, it has inspired me to not be so narrow minded whilst looking at typography and how it's used and instead to think more creatively and to broaden my horizons. 

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