Tuesday 23 September 2014

Sans Serif- 'BLESS'

Maybe this font is kept minimal because of the tremendous art work on the wall beside- well maybe it wasn't that coincidental. However, whilst trying to ignore the piece plastered on the wall, we notice a black background with bold bright text above the door and also on the window to the left.

The eye is instantly drawn to the composition so excellently displayed on the wall that it is hard to be drawn away from it. But, then you notice the slightly harsh and bitter on the eyes white text that is prominently displayed to the right. It stands out so strong, but the importance of this is conspicuous.

My blog masthead uses the same robust contrast using colour, which I never would have considered as something more than garish and unsightly. However, when finding this shop whilst walking through Tribunal, I'm glad I previously took the uneasy step and have already started to broaden my imagination where typography and design is concerned.

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